• Pastor Tim Pippus

    Tim Pippus


    Tim has had the privilege of serving with HFL since 2008. He is the proud husband of Laura and father to Emily (2013), Abigail (2014), and Elizabeth (2018). You can often find Tim enjoying a good book (of any kind!) with coffee in hand, cheering on his beloved Calgary Flames, seeking out moments of quiet, and playing sports. Tim can be easily coaxed into both philosophical and practical discussions and loves wrestling with the larger issues of life.  Above all, Tim is deeply passionate about engaging day-to-day life as an apprentice of Christ and seeking to bring the life-changing hope of the Kingdom wherever he finds himself.

    Tim holds a master’s degree in Leadership and Ministry from Ambrose Seminary and loved his time there.  That being said, his best education has come from being a husband, father, and pastor, and meeting God in the midst of ordinary life!

  • Associate Pastor Doug Pippus

    Doug Pippus


    Doug Pippus was part of the team that founded Hope For Life. He and his wife Sharon have been married forty years and are the proud parents of a daughter, two sons and two daughters-in-law. They are delighted with their six grandchildren. Doug also operates a fly-fishing business, loves athletic activities of all sorts and sometimes retreats to his workshop where he welds, does woodwork or fixes things for others.

    Many years ago, Doug earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in the Arts and Intercultural studies. He maintains that the fact that most of the schools he attended no longer exist should not be held against him. Doug loves to teach the bible and serve others. He has had opportunity to do so in Latin America, Eastern Europe and West Africa, as well as in different locations in Canada.